21st October 2020
Visual Arts Graduates who left us in March 2020 - We would like to invite you to collect your work
We would like to invite you to collect your Fine Art, Textiles, Photography and Graphics AS and A Level work. The process needs to be carefully planned in order to do this safely and within the parameters of our risk assessment. Therefore, please read the following information very carefully:
You can collect your work from 9am – 4pm on Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th November.
*Please do not come between 1pm-1.30pm when the technicians will be having lunch.*
Students don’t need to sign in at Reception if they’re coming to pick up artwork. They can go straight up to the Visual Arts Department. If they have the NHS app on their phones they can scan themselves in with that, should they wish to do so. Please ensure that if a parent or carer is collecting on their behalf, they collect a visitor sticker at Reception.
- Please collect your work from the Visual Arts Department, top floor of the main building.
- Please wear a mask for the duration of your visit to BHASVIC.
- Hand Sanitizer - there is hand sanitizer for your use at Reception. Please make sure you use this before you come up to the Visual Arts Department.
- Please adhere to the new one way system in the college – please follow the arrows marked on the floors.
- If you can’t collect your work at this time, please nominate someone else who will be able to. If this is still a problem, please do let us know so that we can keep your work safe until you are able to come in. The email to do this is: visualartstechnicians@bhasvic.ac.uk
- If someone is collecting work on your behalf please equip this person with the following information:
Their teacher and subject
The block they were taught in
List of work intended to pick up
- You will not be able to take home portfolio folders, so please bring something to carry your work home in.
We are under huge restraints for storage, therefore if we don’t hear from you before 4pm on Friday 13th November, and you haven’t collect your work we will presume you don’t want it and it will be disposed of.
We have communicated these arrangements via Instagram #collectbhasvicarts, email and our college website, but please do pass on the message to any friends who this information applies to.
At busy periods, you may be asked to wait in a studio. Please always adhere to social distancing and be patient while our technicians get to you as soon as they can.
We look forward to seeing you,
Sally Richardson
Head of Visual Arts