Recent News

Inter-Cultural Exchange Visit with Swiss students, this image links to the news item.

Inter-Cultural Exchange Visit with Swiss students

Lucy Foss with guest Aliessia Hurst-Jarvis, this picture links to the news item

Young Carers action week

Travel Disruption

Spanish VR Immersive Event

Spanish VR Immersive Event

First UK based winners of music competition

Music Ensemble Success

Loxdale English Centre students visit BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

Loxdale English Centre students visit BHASVIC

Brendan Ford, former Media and Film Studies student at BHASVIC, this image links to the news item.

Brendan Ford, Narrative Designer and Writer for Ubisoft visits BHASVIC

Chapel Royal concert featuring BHASVIC violinist Rachel Cheung, this picture links to the news item

Chapel Royal concert featuring BHASVIC violinist Rachel Cheung

Chemistry Society – microscale esterification, this image links to the news item

Chemistry Society – microscale esterification

Astatine Piano Trio will play at St. Luke's Church

Chemistry Society – extracting iron using a match head, this image opens the news item

Chemistry Society – extracting iron using a match head

Medics Updates

Stand-Up To Help You Open Up : Talk It Out event poster

Time To Talk It Out

Chemistry Society – Investigating solid carbonates by thermal decomposition, this images links to the news item

Chemistry Society

BHASVIC ESOL students pose with Paralympic champion Will Bayley

Paralympic Champion visits BHASVIC

BHASVIC ESOL students take part in a Project Seagull Iniative

Project Seagull

BHASVIC Sociology students taking part in the International Day of th Girl activities

International Day of the Girl

BHASVIC students launch the Chemistry Society for 2024

Chemistry Society Launch 2024

BHASVIC Women in STEM Club, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Women in STEM Club – talk by local scientists

International Space Design Contest winners

NASA Competition Winner

BHASVIC Sports, Health & Exercise Science Teacher Joe McTiffen

Grassroots Coach of the year

BHASVIV students explore a stall at the Freshers' Fair

Freshers Fair 2024

Cellist Riya, winner of Sussex Young Musician of the Year 2024

Sussex Young Musician of the Year

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2024, this image links to the news item

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2024

Principal’s statement on A Level results

BHASVIC is a College of Sanctuary

Statement of Support

Sian Berry meets BHASVIC students in June's Question Time Event

Sian Berry speech

Anya GB Climbing Team

GB Climbing Team

A BHASVIC student gets support with their Skills Week project

Skills Week 2024

Schools Analyst Competition 2024, this image links to the news item

Schools Analyst Competition 2024

Translation Award Winner

Anthea Bell Prize for Translation

BHASVIC Photography student Rudy Evans' artwork as part of the Visual Arts Exhibition 2024

Visual Arts Exhibition 2024

BHASVIC student Illango celebrating gaining a space on the Sutton Trust Programme

Sutton Trust Programme Success

BHASVIC students take part in a Question Time event

Question Time

The BEARDS student prizewinners

The BEARDS - English Awards

Film sound engineering talk

Oscar Winner Talk

BHASVIC Medic Students with Sir Chris Witty

Medics success

DofE Gold Students at Buckingham Palace

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards

GRIT Sports Award Winners, this images links to the news item

GRIT Sports Awards

BHASVIC Leavers celebrate with having their photo taken

Leavers' Fair 2024

County Cup Final Winners, this image lins to the news item

County Cup Final Winners



BHASVIC Chemistry Olympiad 2024, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Chemistry Olympiad 2024 – a record breaker!

BHASVIC student awarded scholarship for the University of Alaska

BHASVIC alumni, Riya and Berniya Hamie are performing with their Astatine piano trio at the Wigmore Hall, London, this image liks to the news item

Music Alumni at Wigmore Hall

BHASVIC Visual Arts students have curated an exhibition at Gallery 19A, this images links to the news item

Visual Arts students curate an exhibition

BHASVIC students celebrating Culture Week

Culture Week

DofE awards success

Medsoc hosts a talk from Caroline Ackley from BSMS and Dr Khalid Ali from PRH, this images links to the news item.

Medsoc talks

Percentage Yield using the acid / carbonate reaction, this image links to the news item

ChemSoc experiments

BHASVIC students taking part in our Fashion Show 2024

Fashion Show

BHASVIC alumni Sophie who visited our MEDSoc students

Medics updates

BHASVIC Wellbeing Ambassadors celebrate the launch of Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week

BHASVIC Principal William Baldwin

Oxbridge Offers

Refreshers Fair 2024, this image links to the news item

Refreshers Fair 2024

Students taking part in the Sussex Schools Cross Country and winning the boys senior team competition, this image links to the news item

Cross Country Success

Brighton & Hove Citizens meet with Brighton & Hove Council

Schools Based Counselling Campaign

BHASVIC students attend the 2024 Futures Fair

Futures Fair 2024

Computing Competition Success

Aspirin synthesis and analysis – November 2023, this iamge links to the news item

Aspirin synthesis and analysis – November 2023

ChemSoc Silver fractals – geometry in chemistry, this images links to the news item

ChemSoc Silver fractals – geometry in chemistry

'Des Kapital' leads BHASVIC students in a communist karaoke as part of BHASMAS 2023


BHASVIC wellbeing ambassadors at a Brighton & Hove Citizens campaign event

Mental Health Campaign

Graphic Design Student Harvey Dell accepting his BHASVIC Visual Arts Endeavour Award

Nurturing Visual Art Talent

Caroline Lucas MP delivering a talk at BHASVIC

Caroline Lucas MP visit

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard Talk

BHASVIC Students visit Imperial College for the UK Space Design Competition

UK Space Design Competition

BHASVIC students take part in a clothes swap organised by the Climate Action Society

Climate Action Society Clothes Swap

BHASVIC students attend a Widening Participation launch event

Widening Participation launch event

BHASVIC students Caitlin & Tilly in their England kit

BHASVIC students score for England

BHASVIC Medic Students with Sir Chris Witty

Medics Enrichment

Activision Blizzard staff visiting BHASVIC

Games Industry talk

Peter Kyle MP speaking to BHASVIC students

Peter Kyle MP visits BHASVIC

Students & Invited guest from BHASVIC's Hypatia Society

Hypatia Society Launch

Music Student Molly Walsh, this image links to the news item

Music Success

Film-maker Dylan Howitt visits BHASVIC, this images links to the news item

Film-maker Dylan Howitt visits BHASVIC

James Brooklyn from About ASK - Amazing Apprenticeships visits BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

James Brooklyn from About ASK - Amazing Apprenticeships visits BHASVIC

BHASVIC students take part in a fancy dress competition for Bhasoween

Bhasoween 2023

BHASVIC students taking part in medical school interview practice

MedSoc students enjoy a packed week

Extracting limonene from citrus peel

Extracting limonene from citrus peel

BHASVIC students run a teach the teacher session on climate action

Climate action - Teach the Teacher

World Mental Health Day Tea & Talk Event

DofE students share their experiences

The Duke meets DofE students at BHASVIC. Credit Dan Homer DofE

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh visits BHASVIC

BHASVIC students explore the debate society stand at the Freshers Fair

Freshers Fair 2023

AFLO the Poet pictured on the BHASVIC campus

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion staff training

Scholarship Success, this image links to the news item

Scholarship Success

Athletics Champion - Amber Anning, this image links to the news item

Athletics Champion

Join us for an introductory meeting for the DofE on Tuesday 5 September, this image links to the news item

Join us for an introductory meeting for the DofE on Tuesday 5 September

This image links to the news item

Principal’s statement on A Level results

BHASVIC Schools Analyst Competition 2023 winners, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Schools Analyst Competition 2023 winners!

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Success 2023, this image links to the news item

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Success 2023!

BHASVIC Student Eloise wins translator prize

Young Translator Prize

Phenomenal success for 63 DofE students on their Gold and Silver expeditions, this images links to the news item

Phenomenal success for 63 DofE students on their Gold and Silver expeditions

BHASVIC student Ilse speaks at the Growing Greener Sussex event at Plumpton College

Growing Greener Sussex

Period project click here for more info

Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering Project

BHASVIC Summer Music Festival

Language Assistant with Progress Flag working outside at college

Pride month at BHASVIC

RSC Schools’ Analyst Competition 2023, this image links to the news item.

RSC Schools’ Analyst Competition 2023

64 students have just completed their first DofE weekend in the Peaks, this image links to the news item.

64 students have just completed their first DofE weekend in the Peaks

Chemistry Olympiad 2023 Winners, this image links to the news item.

Chemistry Olympiad 2023 Winners

Blood Wedding, this image links to the news item

Brighton Fringe Festival

Celebrating Students Creativity, this images links to the news item

Celebrating Students Creativity

Pets As Therapy, this image links to the news item

Pets As Therapy

Bone Cancer Research Trust Logo, leads to the news item

Music concert for the Bone Cancer Research Trust

Students Celebrating Culture Day, image leads to news item on College of Sanctuary award

College of Sanctuary

TV Casting Director Talk, see news item here

TV Casting Director Careers Talk

BHASVIC's Women's Football Academy, link to news item

Women's Football National Cup Final

Holding the Council to Account, this image links to the news item

Holding the Council to account

Clarendon Food bank talk, click here to see news item

Food Bank Talk

Kabecca Films, this images links to the news item

Kabecca Films

BHASVIC Dance Show, this images links to the news item

BHASVIC Dance Show

Waste House visit, image links to news item

BHASVIC Climate Action Group visit

Newsletter image, click here for the news item

Parents' & Carers' News Spring 2023

Spring concert, image links to news item

Spring Concert

citizens UK Workshop, this image links to the news item

Citizens UK Workshop

Photo of a young Tawny Owl taken by Billy Evans-Freke, image links to the news item

Wildlife Photography Awards winner

Innocent Creatures play by Leo Butler this image links to the news item

Innocent Creatures

BHASVIC Student Union members at the Brighton & Hove Citizens Manifesto launch this image links to the news item

Brighton & Hove Citizens Manifesto launch

Flourish Mentors, this image links to the news item

Anxiety Workshop

Green Jobs and Green Skills Talk, this image links to the news item

Green Jobs and Green Skills Talk

Model UN Winners from BHASVIC - click here for more info

Model UN Competition Winners

Culture Day at BHASVIC this image links to the news item

Culture Day

Sun journalist career talk to students this image links to the news item

Music and Entertainment Journalism Talk

Debating Society Toxic Masculinity discussion this image links to the news item

Debating Society - Toxic Masculinity

HE Info info for BHASVIC students this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Higher Education Webinars

Personal Development Workshops, this image links to the news item

Personal Development Workshops

Business visit to the BMW Mini factory, this image links to the news item

Business visits the BMW Mini factory

Interview practice for BHASVIC Business students, this images links to the news item

Interview practice for BHASVIC Business students

Semi-Cup Final Winners Womens Football this image links to the news item

Semi-Final Winners

Green Skills talk this image links to the news item

Green Skills

Articulation Award this image links to the news item

Articulation Prizewinner

National Careers Week this image links to the news item

National Careers Week

Beacon Award Winners this image links to the news item

Beacon Award Winners

Enland Athletics logo this image links to the news item

Cross Country Championships

BHASVIC Women’s History Month Celebration Series, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Women’s History Month Celebration Series #OurStory

Chemistry Society – extracting iron with a match head, this image links to the news item

Chemistry Society – extracting iron with a match head

Green Careers Week, this image links to the news item

Green Careers Week

Period Project at BHASVIC main hall, this links to the news item

Period Project

A level Music student Riya Hamie will be performing at the Royal Albert Hall Elgar Room, this image links to the news item

Music student Riya Hamie will be performing at the Royal Albert Hall Elgar Room

National Apprenticeship Week 6 to 12 February 2023 this image links to the news item

National Apprenticeship Week

BHASVIC Rated Outstanding by Ofsted, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Graded Outstanding by Ofsted

First place awarded to BHASVIC runners, this image links to the news item.

First place awarded to BHASVIC runners

Refreshers fair this image links to the news item

Refreshers Fair at BHASVIC

Veganuary at BHASVIC, this images links to the news item

Veganuary at BHASVIC

Ossie O’Neill a 2nd year student at BHASVIC has been selected to represent England Colleges, this image links to the news item

Ossie O’Neill selected to represent England Colleges

Tim Loughton MP for East Worthing and Shoreham visits BHASVIC, this images links to the news item

Tim Loughton MP for East Worthing and Shoreham visits BHASVIC

Mims Davies MP for Mid Sussex visits BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

Mims Davies MP for Mid Sussex visits BHASVIC

Caroline Lucas MP for Brighton Pavilion visits BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

Caroline Lucas MP for Brighton Pavilion visits BHASVIC

Futures Fair at BHASVIC this image links to the news item

Futures Fair at BHASVIC

Carbon literacy in A level chemistry, this image links to the news item

Carbon literacy in A level chemistry

Futures Fair at BHASVIC 19 January this image links to the news item

Futures Fair at BHASVIC

this image links to the news item

Autumn term celebration

Happy BHASMAS to all wishing you the very best, this image links to the news item

Happy BHASMAS to all wishing you the very best

Kev Hopgood freelance illustrator and comic book artist visited BHASVIC , this image links to the news item

Kev Hopgood freelance illustrator and comic book artist visited BHASVIC

Christmas Concert Rehearsal, this image links to the news item

Christmas Concert Rehearsal

The University of Law put on a Criminal Investigation Day, this image links to the news item

The University of Law put on a Criminal Investigation Day for BHASVIC Law students

Chemistry Society – Aspirin synthesis part 2, this image links to the news item

Chemistry Society – Aspirin synthesis part 2

Chemistry Society – Microscale esterification, this image links to the news item

Chemistry Society – Microscale esterification

BHASVIC Christmas Concert for Ensembles, Year 13 BTEC & A level

BHASVIC students at the Model United Nations conference, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC students at the Model United Nations conference

Climate Action Society organises Clothes Swap, this image links to the news item

Climate Action Society organises Clothes Swap

BHASVIC players have been selected for the English Colleges FA National squad

Comedian Zoe Lyons and mentoring charity Flourish Mentors came in to speak about wellbeing and self-care to our female and non-binary students, this images links to the news item.

Self-care talk by Comedian Zoe Lyons

Aspirin synthesis part 1, this images links to the news item.

Aspirin synthesis part 1

Visit from Kieran Maguire football finance author

Lady Vivian Rose of Colmworth visits BHASVIC

Lady Vivian Rose of Colmworth visits BHASVIC

The Maths Olympiad for Girls and The Senior Maths Challenge

BHASVIC Commended for Climate Education

English National Champion, this image links to the news item

English National Champion

International Day of the Girl, this image links to the news item

International Day of the Girl

World Mental Health Day, this image links to the news item

World Mental Health Day

Top Sociology A level Grade, this image links to the news item

Top Sociology A level Grade

International Music competition success for BHASVIC students, this images links to the news item

International Music competition success for BHASVIC students

Results Day Support and Virtual Help Desk

Results Day Support and Virtual Help Desk

BHASVIC Results Press Release 2022, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Exam Results

Parents' & Carers' News Summer 2022

BHASVIC Schools Analyst Competition 2022 winners, this image links to the news item.

BHASVIC Schools Analyst Competition 2022 winners!

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2022 Success, this image links to the news item

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2022 Success!

Students return from the Lake District completing their Gold DofE Expedition, this image links to the news item

Students return from the Lake District completing their Gold DofE Expedition

Carbon Literacy Awards – Congratulations to our students, this image links to the news item

Carbon Literacy Awards – Congratulations to our students!

Visual Arts Awards and Exhibition, this image links to the news item

Visual Arts Awards and Exhibition

BHASVIC wins the Sixth Form Colleges Association’s inaugural Sustainability Award, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC wins the Sixth Form Colleges Association’s Sustainability Award

BHAVTAS logo, this image links to the news item


South Downs Songbook Tour, this image links to the news item

South Downs Songbook Tour

2022 Newnham College Essay Prize

Schools Analyst Competition 2022, this image links to the news item

Schools Analyst Competition 2022

Visual Arts Summer Exhibition 2022, this image links to the news item

Visual Arts Summer Exhibition 2022

The A2 Environmental Science students got to experience the mighty turbines of the Offshore Rampion Wind farm, this image links to the news item

Rampion Wind farm visit

Top Music Prize

BHASVIC student play at Brighton Festival, this image links to the news item

Brighton Festival

County Cup Champions, this image links to the news item

County Cup Champions

DofE students at BHASVIC tackled the mountains of Snowdonia, this links to the news item

93 DofE students at BHASVIC tackled the mountains of Snowdonia

Sustainability Planning & Design, this image links to the news item

Sustainability Planning & Design

Royal College of Music Scholarship, this image links to the news item

Royal College of Music Scholarship

Brighton Period Project, this will take you to the news item

Brighton Period Project

Parents' & Carers' News Spring 2022

Alan Gardner QC came to BHASVIC to gave a talk to A Level law students, this image links to the news item

Alan Gardner QC came to BHASVIC to give a talk to BTEC and A Level law students

Train Fare Protest at Brighton Station

BHASVIC Spring Concert, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Spring Concert 7 April

UK Chemistry Olympiad competition, this image links to the news item

Royal Society of Chemistry - Olympiad 2022 Round One competition

Molly Carmell, Y12 A level Music student, this image is linked to the news item

Y12 Music student triumphs in cello and piano competitions at Worthing Festival of Arts and Music

BHASVIC was excited to welcome Jade Hylton, a Brighton-based photographer, artist and writer, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC was excited to welcome Jade Hylton, a Brighton-based photographer, artist and writer

Flourish Mentors who gave an anxiety management workshop, this image links to the news item.

As part of our Break the Bias Women's History Month March events BHASVIC welcomes the Flourish Mentors

As part of our Break the Bias Women's History Month March events BHASVIC was pleased to welcome Lewes FC

National Careers Week: 7 - 12 March, this image is linked to the news item

National Careers Week: 7 - 12 March

Cheerleader Emma Britt wins Cheerleading award in the USA, this image is linked to the news item

Champion Cheerleader

Clothes Swap poster, this image links to the news item

Clothes Swap – Wednesdays 16 and Friday 18 March, 11:30 – 1:30pm

Book Swap poster, this image links to the news item

Book Swap

‘Cable Street’ Thursday 17 March – Saturday 19 March, this image links to the news item

‘Cable Street’ Thursday 17 March – Saturday 19 March

David Cooke former Director of the BBFC visits BHASVIC, this link will take you to the news item

David Cooke former Director of the BBFC visits BHASVIC

Aidan Bryson, Y12 A level Music student, shortlisted in Commonwealth International Composition Award competition

Aidan Bryson, Y12 A level Music student, shortlisted in Commonwealth International Composition Award competition

BHASVIC music student, Riya Hamie, principal cellist for National Youth Orchestra, performs on Radio 3

BHASVIC music student, Riya Hamie, principal cellist for National Youth Orchestra, performs on Radio 3

Lilli Southgate former BHASVIC student has been highly commended for the WJEC Moving image awards

Lilli Southgate former BHASVIC student has been highly commended for the WJEC Moving Image Awards

Sandile Ndawana former BHASVIC student shortlisted for the WJEC Moving Image Awards

Sandile Ndawana former BHASVIC student shortlisted for the WJEC Moving Image Awards

 Maya Parry Jones shortlisted for WJEC Moving Image Awards

Maya Parry Jones former BHASVIC student shortlisted for the WJEC Moving Image Awards

BHASVIC Women’s football team celebrating having reached the last 8 of the AOC National Cup

BHASVIC Women’s football team have reached the last 8 of the AOC National Cup

The BHASVIC Netball first team in action

The BHASVIC Netball first team reach the semi-finals of the Sussex County Cup

BHASVIC music student, Riya Hamie, principal cellist for National Youth Orchestra, performs on Radio 3

Riya Hamie has won the Royal College of Music Junior Department Concerto competition

The student Climate Action group sold lunchtime Thai Green Vegan Curry plus vegan cookies.

Veganuary @BHASVIC

National Youth Dance Company, completing a national tour and gaining a Gold Arts Award

National Youth Dance Company, completing a national tour and gaining a Gold Arts Award

BHASVIC Xmas Concert 2021

BHASVIC Xmas Concert 2021

AMEX & Albion In The Community careers talks

AMEX & Albion In The Community careers talks

Bea Dalley exhibits at Tate Britain

Tate Britain Photography Exhibition

The award-winning theatre company, ‘Paper Birds’

Award-winning theatre company 'Paper Birds' performed their production of ‘Broke’

Christmas Concerts

Parents' & Carers' News Autumn 2021

BHASVIC music student, Riya Hamie, principal cellist for National Youth Orchestra, performs on Radio 3

BHASVIC student wins prestigious concerto competition

Journalism as a Career Talk

DofE@BHASVIC goes from strength to strength

Destinations infographic box

BHASVIC receives more offers from top UK universities than Eton College.

Global Day for Climate Justice poster

Global Day of Action for Climate Justice 6th November

BHASVIV Climate Action logo

COP26 BHASVIC students take action. Play your part

Drama and Theatre Studies students appreciated the performance skills of Splendid Productions

Drama and Theatre Studies students appreciated the performance skills of Splendid Productions

Bright Minds Magazine Issue 7

Miranda Mufema

Black History Month - Drama to watch - Former BHASVIC student Miranda Mufema

Key involvement by BHASVIC in Citizens Assembly

Students sign up for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Students sign up for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards

BHASVIC gains Skills Builder Award

BHASVIC gains Skills Builder Award

Celebrating Exam Results

Parents' & Carers' News Summer 2021

BHASVIC Results Press Release 2021

BHASVIC Results Press Release 2021

 students Maya Donne and Maia Faulkner who have been selected to join the National Youth Dance Company of England

Two BHASVIC students have been selected to join the National Youth Dance Company

BHASVIC students scoop Cambridge Chemistry Challenge certificates!

BHASVIC students scoop Cambridge Chemistry Challenge certificates!

Final gig of the year for our talented music students in the Elms Courtyard

BHASVIC Summer Concert

A graphic depicting Fake News in the national art exhibition

Sixth Form Students Focus on Fake News in National Art Exhibition

Jacy de Sousa first year Music student

First year Music student has work performed by BBC Concert Orchestra

BHASVIC 2021 Visual Arts Exhibition poster

BHASVIC 2021 Visual Arts Exhibition

'Inside the Box' in collaboration with BHASVIC Visual Arts and GBMet Art Foundation

Winners @insidetheboxbrighton

BHASVIC students are taking part in The Exchange - Brighton Festival Thursday 20 May

The Exchange

Sussex Police gave out safety advice to students and staff as part of Operation Sceptre

Operation Sceptre

Bright Minds magazine front cover

Bright Minds Magazine

Ensemble Reza visits BHASVIC

Ensemble Reza workshop at BHASVIC

BHASVIC’s Oxbridge Success

BHASVIC’s Oxbridge Success Shows Students Resilience

BHASVIC Futures Fair poster

BHASVIC Futures Fair is taking place 1st - 19th March

National Careers Week poster

National Careers Week from 1st - 6th March

The Stevie Project, this images links to the news item

The Stevie Project

CollegesLive poster

CollegesLive - 24 February from 2pm – 4.30pm

The BAME Leadership Project

The BAME Leadership Project

BHASVIC's Digital Talent Show Challenge poster

The Digital Talent Show Challenge

'Inside the Box' in collaboration with BHASVIC Visual Arts and GBMet Art Foundation

Moving Image Awards

Congratulations to Annelise Furniss who was highly commended for her screenplay

BHASVIC Music Virtual Christmas Concert

BHASVIC Music Virtual Christmas Concert

Parents & Carers News Autumn 2020

Parents & Carers News Autumn 2020

Former BHASVIC student Jack Hill

Film Award

University Challenge

University Challenge



CollegesLive poster

CollegesLive - 18 November from 2pm – 4.30pm

BBC South East visited BHASVIC

BBC South East visited Today BHASVIC to discuss the wellbeing and guidance support available to students

Visual Arts Graduates images

Visual Arts Graduates who left us in March 2020 - We would like to invite you to collect your work

Brighton’s three colleges – BHASVIC, GBMET and Varndean

BHASVIC, GBMET, Varndean College – FE Climate Roadmap – Joint pledge

The student-led African Caribbean Society took part in a placard making workshop

The student-led African Caribbean Society took part in a placard making workshop as part of Black History Month

Young Enterprise Competition 2020

Young Enterprise Competition 2020

The BHASVIC Freshers’ and Enrichment Virtual Fair poster

The BHASVIC Freshers’ and Enrichment Virtual Fair will be live from 12 October, on BHASVLE

Black History Month - 2 Drama pieces focusing on the 'Black Lives Matter' movement

Black History Month - 2 Drama pieces focusing on the 'Black Lives Matter' movement

BHASVIC Results Press Release 2020

BHASVIC Results Press Release 2020

College Sector Asks for Review of Grades

College Sector Asks for Review of Grades

Student Robotics Competition

Student Robotics Competition Winner

BHASVIC’s Virtual Summer Concert

BHASVIC’s Virtual Summer Concert

BHASVIC celebrates the work of visual arts students this year via this virtual exhibition

BHASVIC celebrates the work of visual arts students this year via this virtual exhibition

BHASVIC visual arts students have contributed to a national art exhibition

New Parents and Carers, your young person’s next steps

New Parents and Carers, your young person’s next steps

Visual Arts Corona pandemic project

Visual Arts Corona pandemic project #14daysbhasvic

BEBRAS Computational Thinking Success

BEBRAS Computational Thinking Success

BHASVIC is a pipeline to world-class institutions

BHASVIC is a pipeline to world-class institutions

Parents' & Carers' News Spring 2020

Parents' & Carers' News Spring 2020

Th It poster

THE IT is a darkly comic state of the nation play exploring adolescent mental health today

BHASVIC Media department were thrilled to welcome Lloyd Embley

BHASVIC Media department were thrilled to welcome Lloyd Embley

Shaun Attwood gave two talks to over 200 sociology, psychology and criminology students

Shaun Attwood gave two talks to over 200 sociology, psychology and criminology students

National Film Award

National Film Award

Refreshers Fair

BHASVIC students we want to hear from you!

Thanks to BHASVIC careers & student services staff for organising another well attended Futures Fair

BHASVIC Nominated for Top Award

Biology and Chemistry students travelled to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory near Cambridge

Biology and Chemistry students travelled to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Extracting iron on a match head

Women's Winter Box Cup 2019

Former BHASVIC student Fauve Penketh's fashion garment featured in Vogue

Labour Candidate for Hove, Peter Kyle

The Student Union held a Question Time style debate in the Main Hall

A* Success Story

Raising Teens, a discussion about parenting teenagers and teen mental health

Aspirin Synthesis September 2019

Collaboration between BHASVIC and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

BABAO carry out workshops with our Anthropology portfolio students

BHASVIC worked with creative mentoring project LOOKOUT

BHASVIC students star in YOUTHQUAKE at the Old Market Theatre

BHASVIC students attended the Citizens Annual Assembly in London

Paediatric Student Nurses came to talk to second year Health and Social Care students

First year Sociology students visit the Museum of Transology at Brighton Museum

Digital Pulse Trials New Concept with BHASVIC students, this image links to the news item

Digital Pulse Trials New Concept with BHASVIC students

Business & Economics trip to Budapest

Parents' & Carers' News Autumn 2019

Cambridge University A -Team

Enrichment and Freshers Fair

Pharmacy trip and ethics debate, University of Brighton 2019, this image links to the news item

Pharmacy trip and ethics debate, University of Brighton 2019

Chartered Teacher status

High Praise for BHASVIC Musicians from TUC Delegates

BHASVIC Careers Team finalists in the 'National Outstanding Contribution to Apprenticeships Award'

Record Results at BHASVIC: 99.7% pass rate for A level exams

BHASVIC students joined the city’s Pride celebrations

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Success 2019!

Physics students in action!

Chemistry Olympiad BHASVIC Success!

Thank you to former BHASVIC student Paige Yallop

New Building

Head of Chemistry and Physics awarded Chartered Teacher status


BHASVIC Sociology teacher Wilhelmina Etoga Ngono studying for a Masters Degree

BHASVIC students success

Media students attend a Critical Theories Revision Study Day at the BFI in London

Love Our Colleges campaign 13 – 17 May

BHASVIC Young Enterprise students compete in the County Finals

Model United Nations at BHASVIC

BHASVIC drama students perform at the Theatre Royal Brighton

BHASVIC economics students visit The London School of Economics

Music for Youth Regional Festival 2019 at BHASVIC

National Careers week in Physics. First-year physics students meet with scientists working in STEM careers

BHASVIC Business students visit the BMW Mini factory

Amber Anning wins silver in the 4x400m relay at the European Athletics Indoor Championship in Glasgow

46 BHASVIC students gain offers for Oxford and Cambridge University

Education, Education, Education, performed by BHASVIC Theatre Company

Akiko Sato a PhD student in the Serpell Research Group at Kent University visits BHASVIC

Professor Julian Petley, from Brunel University visits BHASVIC

Congratulations to BHASVIC student Amber Anning

Parents' & Carers' News Spring 2019

Enrico Ceccone from the University of Bath came to talk to Language Students at BHASVIC

A1 and A2 students, don’t miss the Futures Fair at BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

A1 and A2 students, don’t miss the Futures Fair at BHASVIC

Silver fractals – chemistry in geometry, this image links to the news item

Silver fractals – chemistry in geometry

Congratulations to Stacey and Kevin for becoming the Strictly Come Dancing Winners, this image kinks to the news item

Congratulations to Stacey and Kevin for becoming the Strictly Come Dancing Winners

Strictly Rehearsals - Stacey Dooley and Kevin Clifton at BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

Strictly Rehearsals - Stacey Dooley and Kevin Clifton at BHASVIC

BTEC Music Fundraising Gig for The Martlets, this image links to the news item

BTEC Music Fundraising Gig for The Martlets

BBC News visits BHASVIC, this image links to the news item

BBC News visits BHASVIC

Modern Foreign Language courses offered at UEA, this image links to the news item

Modern Foreign Language courses offered at UEA

BHASVIC Men’s football team won the 7-a-side AOC British Colleges South East Championships, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC Men’s football team won the 7-a-side AOC British Colleges South East Championships

Successful Women in Economics, this image links to the news item

Successful Women in Economics

World War One Commemorations, this image links to the news item

World War One Commemorations

BHASVIC marks the Armistice centenary

Aspirin synthesis and analytical research, this image links to the news item

Aspirin synthesis and analytical research

BHASVIC has forged a partnership with the Theatre Royal Brighton, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC has forged a partnership with the Theatre Royal Brighton

Dutch University Visit, this image links to the news item

Dutch University Visit

Young Enterprise Interviews

BHASVIC / ESFRS Peat Flammability Research Project, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC / ESFRS Peat Flammability Research Project

Pharmacy Trip to Brighton University, this image links to the news item

Pharmacy Trip to Brighton University

Welcome Day, this image links to the news item

Welcome Day

Record Breaking Exam Results at BHASVIC

Debate on Animal Testing in Pharmaceutical Development, this image links to the news item

Debate on Animal Testing in Pharmaceutical Development

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Success! June 2018, this image links to the news item

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Success! June 2018

Astrophysics Work Experience, this image links to the news item

Astrophysics Work Experience at Liverpool John Moores University

Cyber Discovery Program, this image links to the news item

BHASVIC students qualify for elite final stage of Cyber Discovery Program