12th March 2024

ChemSoc experiments

BHASVIC Chemistry Society recently followed up our work on percentage yield in chemistry lessons with a light-hearted investigation / competition into who could get the highest yield of carbon dioxide gas from the reaction of copper carbonate with hydrochloric acid:

CuCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CuCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

This is an example of the common acid/carbonate reaction which produces carbon dioxide gas (ionic equation below):

2H+(aq) + 


CO2(g) +  


hydrogen ions carbonate ions  carbon dioxide    water

Here is a short video explaining how it works: *Click here*

Below are some pictures of our ChemSoc members at work!

Isobel prepares the solid CuCO3 whilst Lucy gets the acid ready
Isobel prepares the solid CuCO3 whilst Lucy gets the acid ready.

Keir discusses the set-up of the gas syringe with Samuel.
Keir discusses the set-up of the gas syringe with Samuel.

Lauren and Millie check the height they’ll clamp the gas syringe at so it’s stable
Lauren and Millie check the height they’ll clamp the gas syringe at so it’s stable.

Why do chemists like nitrates?

Sami: “Why do chemists like nitrates?”

Netanya: “No idea – go on, I’m guessing you’re going to tell me anyway!”

Sami: “Because they’re cheaper than day rates!”

Isaac and George set up their equipment
Isaac and George set up their equipment.