Ursula Gazeley
PhD student
Hi, I’m Ursula! I went to Dorothy Stringer (2005-10), and BHASVIC (2010-12) before taking a gap year to re-apply to Oxford after an initial rejection (remember that applying again is always an option!). I then studied PPE at Somerville college from 2013-2016, before going on to study MSc Population and Development at the LSE from 2016-17. After my Masters, I worked for IDinsight – a non-profit, international development research organisation – in India, Ghana and South Africa, on a range of development projects in the health, education and agriculture sectors. This year I have begun a PhD in Epidemiology & Population Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where my research will focus on maternal health in low-income countries. Always happy to discuss anything related to Oxford/Somerville/PPE/postgrad study/careers! Feel free to drop me an email: ursulagazeley@gmail.com
Ursula Gazeley