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Additional Learning Support

Additional Learning Support at BHASVIC

Support for students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) is referred to as ‘Additional Learning Support’ (ALS) at BHASVIC. This support is available for any student who requires some help and guidance with their learning, not just those with a diagnosed or assessed need. We provide a range of support that is tailored to suit the needs of the individual student. Students can bring work related to their studies including coursework and address their difficulties with the help of Additional Learning Support Teachers. Support can include help with essay writing, effective note-taking and organisational skills. We also provide support for Maths and English GCSEs and preparation and practice for exams. In-class support is sometimes provided to students who have significant needs. Assistive technology can be provided to help students access learning, where assessments demonstrate need. 

If you have a specific learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia) a sensory impairment, mobility problems or anything else that affects your learning, please let us know via your application.

Please see the menus below for an overview of the support available through your application to BHASVIC, during your studies, and with your progression.

1. Application: 

  • The ALS Team are available on Open Evenings to discuss an applicant’s possible ALS needs 
  • Section on form for students to complete declaring their ALS needs 
  • This contains a section specifically for EHCP declaration 

 2. Admission Interview: 

  • Main interviews will acknowledge any declared needs and welcome that sharing of helpful information 
  • Any students who have declared ALS needs on the application will have an additional conversation with a member of the ALS Team to discuss and record their school experiences and support needs, moving on to Level 3 study 
  • A weekly lesson of Study Support (small groups of students in support workshops sessions with ALS specialist staff offering one-to-one coaching) will be offered 
  • EHCPs will require a separate consultation process, led on by the College SENCO and Deputy Principal in discussion with the relevant Local Authority 

 3. Enrolment: 

  • Prior to enrolment, the ALS team will seek to liaise with the SENCOs of the main feeder schools to access further relevant information on an individual student’s needs 
  • At enrolment, students who have had previous EAAs at school through testing will be invited for reassessment to gather evidence of need to establish ongoing support arrangements at their new level of study 
  • Students who have EAAs for medical reasons will need to provide evidence at this point to enable the college to consider appropriate arrangements at this level of study (e.g. GP letter, Consultant Diagnosis, Ed Psych Report) 
  • Students with confirmed ALS needs will be timetabled with a single lesson of Study Support (small groups of students in support workshops sessions with ALS specialist staff offering one-to-one coaching)  
  • Information gathered about a student’s ALS needs will be uploaded to the college’s Information systems available for all staff to consider, with the student’s consent 

1. Assessment for Exams Access Arrangements: 

  • Students who have declared previous EAAs at school through testing, will be re-assessed by a member of the ALS by appointment in room 411 before normal lessons start 
  • Students with no prior declared needs may, during their studies at college, be referred by teaching staff to ALS for potential assessment  

2. On-course Support: 

  • A weekly lesson of Study Support (small groups of students in support workshops sessions with ALS specialist staff offering one-to-one coaching) will be delivered 
  • A range of support might be put in place in response to a student’s individual needs, including in-class  support, one-to-one sessions, keyworker check-ins 
  • Main subject teaching staff are informed of a student’s ALS needs and are expected to adapt their teaching and learning to provide appropriate support that enables all their students to access the curriculum to the same degree 
  • ALS specialist staff will liaise with other college staff to offer their specialist knowledge of how best to work with students with particular needs 

3. Exams & assessments: 

  • Students will have their agreed EAA in place for all on-course assessments as well as their final exams, as this is their normal way of working 
  • EAAs may include: extra time, rest breaks, smaller room, word-processor, noise cancelling headphones, etc 


  • All students are initially supported through the Tutorial programme in their application for further study, HE courses, apprenticeships or employment 
  • ALS team offer advice on the DSA (Disability Student Allowance) and Widening Participation schemes for those progressing on to HE 
  • EHCP students have priority access to careers advice 

Information for Parents/Carers/Students regarding Exam Access Arrangements

Any enquiries regarding exam access arrangements, please refer to the document above.

Any further questions, please contact:

Linda Lab, SENDCo -

Louise Clements, Deputy SENDCo -

If you are applying to the college please contact:

Denise Mansfield, Admissions/Schools Liaison Manager

01273 859810 /

If you would like more information about the support available for students with a disability, including those with learning support needs please contact:

Linda Lab, SENDCO 

01273 552200 /