Attendance and Absence Procedures

The Parent Portal is now our only method of notifying the college of absences. If you require help setting up a Parent Portal account, please contact  

How to report an absence:

1. Login to Parent Portal and in the menu on the left select:
Absence Entry

2. Choose the date and time of the absence, you can report up to 5 calendar days (in the past or future) from the date you log in.

3. Supply a reason for the absence from the drop-down list and provide who the absence was notified by. Any supporting evidence can be uploaded at this point.

There is no need to email any extra information, the Attendance Team will contact you if we require anything further.

If you were marked absent in error:

If your parent receives an absence text and email but you attended the lesson, please either:

Speak to the Teacher/Tutor directly and ask them to change the register mark.

OR collect a Register Amendment Form from the Attendance Office, Room 108 College House, and return once completed and signed.

Student Behaviour Policy 

What to do if you are absent from college

Attendance Codes 2025

Contact the Attendance Team:

Please send any evidence relating to your absence from college to:

Please do not report absences via email.

Phone: 01273 552200 ask for the Attendance Team.

BHASVIC onsite lessons and other activities will continue to run as normal, and we ask all members of the college who normally travel by train to make every effort to find alternative arrangements to get into college. We understand this may just not be possible in some cases and, if you are unable to get to college, please use the normal Attendance and Absence procedures. 

We always look at a number of factors closely before deciding whether to move to remote learning due to exceptional weather events. These include the Met office level of warning, advice from the local authority and what other schools and colleges are doing locally. Although we do factor in messages from rail companies in our decision making, we did remain open during the train strikes last year and the significant majority of our community were able to make it in. We know from the pandemic that it is really disruptive to move online and that it provides a diminished experience for students and increases workload for staff. We do not have the option for half the class to be online and half to be in the classroom and it is very difficult to teach meaningfully in this way. 

However, we know that some people will not be able to make it into college during bad weather and will always be sympathetic to that – we ask that absences are reported in the usual way and that students catch-up with missed work as normal. We also ask that student’s check their class Teams accounts before travelling, in case of unexpected staff absence. 

We know that decisions to remain open - or not - are always complicated and we know that some people will disagree with our decision making, but we want to thank you for your overall support in such instances. Rest assured that when the indicators are significant (Red weather warnings, all public transport – including buses – are suspended) that we will make the appropriate decision to move learning online