Greenpower Challenge
On this enrichment programme, students learn the principles of computer-aided design and then put this into practice with the building and racing of an electric car. We race the car as part of the Greenpower series with annual events on the Top Gear track at Dunsfold Aerodrome and the Goodwood.
Industrial Cadets
Supported by an engineer and working with the engineering development trust, students solve a topical problem in a small group. In previous years we have worked with local firm Mott MacDonald and BP. Students participate in a laboratory day at a local University. The final project is written up as a research report and students receive a Gold award.
Activities with Sussex University
We have strong links with the Physics department at Sussex University. Year 12 students take part in their schools lab programme, Year 13 astronomy portfolio students visit their labs and experience University lectures. Talks from University academics are open to all students.
Hypatia Society
A society for women, those who identify as female and gender-non-conforming students in Physics. A friendly, supportive space- a chance to get to know each other and share experiences. We enjoy lunch together, have visiting speakers and attend lectures and local events. Students in this group also play an active ambassador role in the department, supporting visiting students on taster days and working with our feeder schools.
Working with local primary schools
Our Physics students are keen participants in sharing their love of science with year six students in local primary schools. We visit them during science week and host a morning of activities at BHASVIC all run by our own students.
Students are support and encouraged to take part in national and even international competitions each year. We enter the Physics Olympiad each year and in 2024 a group of students entered the International Space Design Competition. After an outstanding performance in the UK heats one of our students went to Florida as part of the UK team which won the international final.
Visit to CERN
Each September a group of Year 13 students visit CERN in Geneva. This popular trip includes getting to know Geneva and a visit to the spectacular visitor centre.