A collage of photos of people attending adult evening language classes

Adult Evening Language Courses 

Arabic (Modern Standard) - French - German - Italian
Japanese - Spanish

Enrolment on our 8-week Holiday Courses - French, German, Italian and Spanish (short beginner courses for holidaymakers) starting in April / May 2025 is now open!

 Enrolment deadline Monday 31 March 2025.

Please refer to other sections of the website below for full details of enrolment, payment, course descriptors as well as our Terms and Conditions (including refunds) before you commit to any of our courses.

Please check the Course Schedule below for full details: 

Language Course Schedule - Courses on BHASVIC campus

For your information, the course schedule above is not updated regularly and does not inform of the actual availability of spaces on particular courses.

Our courses are extremely popular and often get booked before the deadline so please enrol early to avoid disappointment.

If you would like to be added to our new 30-week courses (all languages and levels) starting in October 2025, please register your interest by emailing language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk and stating the language and level you are interested in and we will add you to the contact list and notify as soon as enrolment opens.







These affordable tutor-led leisure courses are designed to help you learn, update or improve your skills in the foreign language of your choice. With maximum class sizes of 16, you’ll be ensured a personal experience, with plenty of chances to practice reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Our main course programme starts at the end of September / beginning of October with 30-week courses in all languages and levels (plus a 10-week Intensive Beginner Spanish), but we also offer 20-week beginner courses commencing in January and 8-week Holiday Courses starting in April so please check our course schedules throughout the year for full details. 

Language courses are aimed at learners over the age of 19, although BHASVIC sixth formers are also welcome to attend our evening courses. Please note that we do not offer any accreditation for these courses. and there is no formal qualification at the end. 

You will also have access to free on-site parking (first come, first served) throughout the duration of the course.

We operate on a first come, first served basis, so please enrol early to avoid disappointment as some courses get booked really quickly.

By submitting your application, you will be agreeing that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions so please consider this and your individual circumstances when applying for our courses. 


The deadline for enrolment on 8-week Holiday Courses starting in April / May 2025 is Monday 31 March 2025. 

We only accept enrolments after the enrolment deadline if places are still available. If you have left it until after that date, courses may be full or already have been cancelled due to insufficient numbers. Please note that if you submit your enrolment after the deadline, we may be unable to set you up as a student with full access to the course and / or accommodate your specific needs for the scheduled start date so please bear it in mind and enrol early to allow us enough time for that. 

You can enrol online - please fill in the Online Enrolment Form and pay online via Parent Pay 

We operate on a first come, first served basis and all enrolments will be processed in the order that they were received.

Please note that to be fully registered on a course, you need to submit your completed and signed application form as well as make the payment at enrolment.

If you are paying a reduced fee (not available on 8-week courses), your application will not be accepted and space booked until we have received all the relevant documentation confirming your eligibility status and it is your responsibility to provide these in a timely manner. Please refer to the section 'Course fees' on our website to check your eligibility and what supporting documents are required.

Please note that the course textbook is not included in the course fee and you will need to purchase it individually after your course has been confirmed.

We also offer payment in instalments (not available on 8-week courses). If your course costs over £200, you will be able to pay in two equal instalments – the first payment will be due when submitting your application and the outstanding payment needs to be made by the enrolment deadline. Please let the Language Centre know language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk if you would like to pay in two instalments. To make the payment, please go to ParentPay School Payment Page and enter the first instalment amount (half the fee) and your course code (available on the course schedule) and leave a note for us. Please make sure that the outstanding balance is paid by the enrolment deadline. For your information, the payment in instalments needs to be made within the enrolment period and is not available after the deadline. 

Failure to complete the payment on time may result in your space being cancelled and a 20% administration of the whole course fee being charged. Please note that the offer to pay in instalments is not available if you sign up after the enrolment deadline.   Please contact the Language Centre language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk if you would like to pay in two instalments. Please note that the payment in instalments needs to be made within the enrolment period and is not available after the deadline.  

Once the enrolment has been closed and courses confirmed, you will receive an introductory letter / email with full course details prior to the start date, usually a week before a course is due to commence. 

Please refer to full the Terms and Conditions before you submit your application. 


In line with our commitment to running evening language courses for the local community, we offer a range of 30-week Adult Evening Language Courses in Arabic (Modern Standard), French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish starting in September / October. For Spanish we will also have a 10-week intensive beginner course commencing in the autumn term. All class times for courses commencing in the autumn term are 18.30-20.00. Please check the Course Schedule above for full details.

Our communicative language courses are taught in a friendly, relaxed learning environment by highly qualified teachers, most of whom are native speakers and will help you learn the language you need to cope with practical situations for travel, professional, cultural, social and leisure purposes. Our communicative approach to language teaching focuses on developing learners' ability to convey and understand messages in real-life situations and encouraging spontaneous use of the target language. It values fluency over accuracy, putting more emphasis on practical language skills over rote memorization of grammar rules.

These courses do not lead to any formal qualifications, so there is no pressure on you to complete assessments or take exams. Tutors will however assess you informally during class activities and through marking of homework.

The courses are attendance based and to ensure progression it is essential for you to participate in lessons on a regular basis. It is also recommended that you spend at least 1-2 hours each week doing private study.

You will receive ongoing support as we have an online system set up (BHASVLE - the College Moodle platform) and after each class your tutor will upload relevant lesson materials which will be available by the end of the week. This will enable students to have continuous access to the resources for the duration of the course and those who have missed a class will also be able to find out what was covered and catch up for next week.  

In addition to our main course programme starting in the autumn, we will be offering 20 week beginner courses in French, German, Italian and Spanish in January and then in April we will be opening 8 week Holiday Courses (beginner courses for holidaymakers) as well. Full details will announced on our website later on in the year. 

Who can enrol on our courses

Our courses are aimed at adult learners (aged 19+). Therefore, we will accept enrolments from people who are at least 19 years of age at the start of the course (with the exception of BHASVIC sixth formers who can also join our evening language courses). There is no upper age limit.

Autumn 2024 starters (30-week courses – term dates and school holidays)


Starts:                                    Week beginning 30 September 2024 (Note: 10-week intensive Spanish beginner course will also start this week)
Half term break:                      Week beginning 28 October 2024 (no lessons all week)
Open Evenings:                      Week beginning 11 November 2024 (no evening classes all week except Monday courses that will run as usual)
Ends:                                      Week beginning 16 December 2024
Christmas break:                    20 December 2024 - 5 January 2025 (no lessons)

TERM 2                       

Starts:                                    6 January 2025                                   
                                                New 20-week beginner courses will start w/b 13 Jan 2025*
Half term break:                      Week beginning 17 February 2025 (no lessons all week)
Ends:                                      Week beginning 31 March 2025

Easter & Spring Holidays        7- 21 April 2025 (no lessons)

TERM 3           

Starts:                                     Week beginning 22 April 2025
                                                New 8-week Holiday Courses will start w/b 28 April
Bank Holiday:                          5 May 2025
Half term break:                       Week beginning 26 May 2025 (no lessons all week) 
Ends:                                      Week beginning 16 June 2025 (some courses will finish later)

Please note that some classes will not run on certain days due to College events (e.g., Open Evenings) or staff holidays. It may also be necessary for some classes to run during the half term holidays if we had any lesson cancellations.

Definition of Stages and Progression Opportunities

Holiday (Short beginner course for holidaymakers)
This highly communicative short course is ideal for those with no prior knowledge of the language. Emphasis will be on learning simple ways of expressing yourself to be able to 'get by' on holiday, for example booking a hotel room or ordering food in a restaurant. Grammar explanations will be kept to a minimum. This course is ideal for people who cannot commit themselves to more than one­­­­­­ term or who just want to learn basic phrases to use on holiday. This course is an introduction to level 1.
Course outlines per language:
Holiday French
Holiday German
Holiday Italian
Holiday Spanish

Level 1 Beginner
This course is ideal for those with no or very little understanding of the language. The main aim of this course is to give you knowledge of some basic structures so that you are able to deal with simple everyday situations. You will learn how to give personal information, talk about family and social arrangements, directions, time and numbers, travel and transport, food and drink, shopping, plus holidays and leisure. The focus on practical communication skills will help you to ‘get by’ when abroad. You will be given an insight into the countries’ culture relating to the language you are learning.

This course leads to Level 2.
Course outlines per language:
Arabic Level 1
French Level 1
German Level 1  
Italian Level 1
Japanese Level 1
Spanish Level 1

Level 2 Elementary
This course is for those who have successfully completed our Level 1 (or equivalent with other providers), or who have studied the language a long time ago and may be a bit rusty now. At this stage you should have an understanding of basic grammar including the present tense. You will develop your confidence by expanding on Level 1 topics and then go on to be introduced to more complex structures, like the past or the future tenses. The aim of the course is to develop understanding and communication to meet your needs in simple situations requiring a direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. You will develop your understanding of the countries’ culture relating to the language you are learning.

This course leads to Level 3.
Course outlines per language:
Arabic Level 2
French Level 2
German Level 2
Italian Level 2
Japanese Level 2
Spanish Level 2

Level 3 Pre-Intermediate
This course is for those who have successfully completed our Level 2 (or equivalent with other providers). The Pre-Intermediate class aims to build on and consolidate the knowledge of basic language structures and functions allowing you to express yourself more freely in everyday situations. You should be already familiar with the present, past and future tenses, though all language structures will be consolidated. The syllabus of the course may cover the following topics: giving and understanding information about holidays, travelling, talking about situations in the past, understanding descriptions of people and places, making and understanding arrangements. The course will enable you to recount past events, interact in a social context both formally and informally, express opinions and plans and give suggestions. You will also further develop your understanding of the countries’ culture relating to the language you are learning.

This course leads to Level 4.
Course outlines per language:
Arabic Level 3
French Level 3
German Level 3
Italian Level 3
Spanish Level 3

Level 4 Intermediate
This course is for those who have successfully completed Level 3 (or equivalent with other providers). You should be confident using the present, future and past tenses as well as some more complex structures. The intermediate class aims to revise and consolidate structures learned at pre-intermediate level, to broaden vocabulary and give you extra confidence. It will enable you to communicate freely on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, family, and leisure, describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and ambitions, and give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. You will also learn about the countries’ culture relating to the language you are learning.

This course leads to Level 5.
Course outlines per language:
Arabic Level 4
French Level 4
German Level 4
Italian Level 4
Spanish Level 4

Level 5 Upper-intermediate
This course is designed for confident and experienced learners who have completed our Level 4 or at least four years of part-time study before joining the class. You would have already studied all the main tenses and should be comfortable conversing in the target language but you would like to build up fluency and consolidate more complex grammar items. The main aim of the course is to increase your confidence in expressing your opinions on a wide range of topical issues. This course will also enable you to further develop your speaking, listening and written skills. The course syllabus may be structured around the following areas: lifestyles, entertainment, education, tourism, culture and traditions, stereotypes, past events and biographies. The cultural element is a crucial component of the course.

This course leads to Level 6.
Course outlines per language:
French Level 5
German Level 5
Italian Level 5
Spanish Level 5

Level 6 Advanced
This course is designed for advanced learners who have successfully completed our Level 5 (or have done at least five years of part-time study before joining the class) and feel confident discussing a broad range of topics in the target language. You would have already learnt all the tenses and advanced grammar structures so you should be able to apply them into context but further grammar clarification will be also provided. The main aim of the course is to boost your confidence in speaking and help you express yourself fluently and almost effortlessly by selecting adequate complex sentence forms to do so. The course syllabus may be constructed around the following areas: film, music, tourism and travel, history, events and their consequences, the environment, health. The emphasis of this course is on speaking and in class you will get ample opportunity to practise your conversational skills through pair-work and group exercises. You will be given an insight into the countries’ culture relating to the language you are learning.

This course leads to Level 7.
Course outlines per language:
French Level 6
German Level 6
Italian Level 6
Spanish Level 6

Level 7 Advanced Language and Culture Conversation Club

This course is for fluent speakers who have successfully completed Level 6 (or equivalent number of years of part-time study with other providers). It is aimed at advanced learners who have a very good command of the language and feel confident conversing in various contexts and situations as well as using different forms of discourse. The course will cover a wide range of cultural topics which will be adapted to students’ interests, such as art, literature, politics and current affairs, cinema, music, history, geography and country’s institutions. You will be able to explore the language and culture of relevant countries by studying authentic materials taken from quality newspapers and magazines, video documentaries and audio sources. Students will have an opportunity to do their own research on topics relating to current affairs and personal interests so they can present and discuss them during the lessons. Practical advice on grammar will be integrated as appropriate.
French Level 7
Italian Level 7
German Level 7
Spanish Level 7

Course fees for academic year 2024-2025

30 week courses (September / October starters)            £340 (concession £310) 

10 week Intensive Beginner course (September starters)   £240 (no concessions available)

20 week courses (January starters)                                £340 (concession £310). Please note that the lessons on these courses are two-hour long. 

8 week courses (April starters)                                        £130 (no concessions available)

Methods of payment:

  • Online - with Parent Pay (opens a new window and you can pay with your debit or credit card, including AMEX)

Please contact the language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk if you have problems making payment by Parent Pay.

If your course costs over £200, you will be able to pay in two equal instalments – the first payment will be due when submitting an application, followed by another payment by the enrolment deadline. Please let the Language Centre know language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk if you would like to pay in two instalments. To make the payment, please go to ParentPay School Payment Page and enter the first instalment amount (half the fee) and your course code (available on the course schedule) and leave a note for us. Please make sure that the outstanding balance is paid by the enrolment deadline. Please note that the payment in instalments needs to be made within the enrolment period and is not available after the deadline. 

Please make sure you have submitted to us your completed application form (as well as relevant documentation if you are paying a concessionary fee). If you fail to do so, your place on a course cannot be guaranteed.

Please note that we do not accept cash.

Learners on our 30 and 20 week courses may be eligible for concessions listed below - for each of these you will also need to supply the following types of documentary evidence: 

Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
JSA Letter dated within 3 months showing learner's name, current address and the benefit received OR a JSA letter older than 3 months supported by a current bank statement (dated within 3 months) showing regular receipt of JSA. (ES40 JSA benefit book will not be accepted).

Employment & Support Allowance

Letter/notice dated within the last 3 months showing learner's name, current address and the benefit received OR a letter older than 3 months supported by a current bank statement (dated within 3 months) showing regular benefit receipts.

Universal Credit
Letter/notice dated within the last 3 months showing learner's name, current address and the benefit received OR a letter older than 3 months supported by a current bank statement (dated within 3 months) showing regular benefit receipts.

Over 65
Please note that you need to be 65 when applying for a course or at least at the start of the course. Proof of age is required (any ID document with a photo and date of birth, e.g. passport, driving licence).

Full Time Students in Higher Education (degree level courses) 
A letter from your university or your student ID card (issued by them, NUS or ISIC cards are not accepted) showing your name and confirming you are / will be at the start of your course with us a full time student at university. Please note that if your student ID card does not state FT, we are afraid we cannot accept it as sufficient proof of your full time student status. If you are not a FT student when you are submitting your enrolment form, we may only accept your unconditional offer letter from university and you will need to present us with the relevant documentation as soon as you can.

BHASVIC Students
Please note that only BHASVIC 6th form students as well as BHASVIC ESOL students are eligible for this concession.

BHASVIC Employees
All BHASVIC employees are also eligible for a concession.

Privacy Notice for Evening Language Students

Terms and Conditions 

Class sizes and lessons 

To enhance the quality of learning, the maximum class size is 16 students. Courses will only run if student numbers meet a viable minimum. We may sometimes open a class with a lower number providing all applicants are happy to top up their enrolment fees to cover the costs of the course delivery.  

It is normally advisable that all prospective learners have access to the Internet and a computer (a laptop or other similar device) to benefit from the course fully, e.g., to access lesson resources on our Moodle platform (BHASVLE) or other materials recommended by tutors.  

Our courses are attendance based and to ensure progression it is essential for you to participate in lessons on a regular basis. It is also recommended that you spend at least 1-2 hours each week doing private study. Please note that we do not offer any formal qualifications on our courses.  

Term dates 
The term dates for your course are listed in the Course Schedule and you can also view the dates for school holidays and other relevant breaks on our website in the section Adult Education Term Dates. Please note that the term dates are subject to change and some classes may occasionally run during half terms or school holidays or lessons may be added to the end of the course if there is a need to recover any cancelled session (e.g. due to tutor’s illness). If your tutor is unable to deliver a lesson as scheduled due to an absence, we will endeavor to contact you in advance by email and will re-arrange the session to a different date. 

Conditions of enrolment, course registration and fees 

Please note that to be fully registered on a course, you need to submit your completed and signed application form as well as make the payment at enrolment.   

If you are paying a reduced fee, your application will not be accepted and space booked until we receive all the relevant documentation confirming your eligibility status and it is your responsibility to provide these in a timely manner. Please refer to our website to check your eligibility and what supporting documents are required.  

We operate on a first come, first served basis and all enrolments will be processed in the order that they were received. Please note that if you submit your enrolment after the deadline, we may be unable to set you up as a student with full access to the course and / or accommodate your specific needs for the scheduled start date so please bear it in mind and enrol early to allow us enough time for that. 

Once the enrolment has been closed and courses confirmed, you will receive an introductory letter / email with full course details, including the textbook you will need to purchase, classroom location, term dates, class times and the tutor’s name. This information will be sent out prior to the start date, usually a week before a course is due to commence.    

The provisional textbooks we use are listed on the course outlines on the website, but they are subject to change (e.g. when a new edition is published) so we advise that you wait until the actual details are confirmed in the introductory letter prior to purchasing it.  The course outlines are for guidance only and their content may be altered throughout the year depending on the level of the group and course delivery accordingly. 

For your information the course textbook is not included in the course fee, and you will need to purchase it individually. Your course tutor may also advise you to purchase other supplementary resources (e.g., an exercise book) that will be necessary to complete your course.   

If your course costs over £200, you will be able to pay in two equal instalments – the first payment will be due when submitting your application and the outstanding payment needs to be made by the enrolment deadline in September. Failure to complete the payment on time may result in your space being cancelled and a 20% administration of the whole course fee being charged. Please note that the offer to pay in instalments is not available if you sign up after the enrolment deadline.    

Please contact the Language Centre language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk if you would like to pay in two instalments.  

Course cancellation and refunds 

If a course is cancelled by the College (e.g., due to insufficient numbers or if we are unable to provide a tutor) before its start date, we will notify you as soon as possible and a full refund of the fee paid will be issued to you.    

Occasionally, we may need to change the day of a course. If this applies to a course that you have already signed up to, we will give you a full refund if the changes do not suit you.   

In the rare event of a course being cancelled after the start date (e.g., if we are unable to provide a replacement tutor), a pro-rata of the fees paid will be issued to you.    

Please note that we do not refund fees for any other reasons (e.g. change in your personal circumstances, relocation) so please consider that prior to committing to the course.     

If you wish to cancel your application, please notify the Language Centre as soon as possible. We must receive a written notification from you at least 2 weeks before the course is due to start to give you a refund. A 20% administration charge (up to a maximum of £50) will be deducted from your refunded payment if your course costs over £200 or 10% for courses costing between £100 and £200.    

We regret we are unable to refund fees once a course has been opened or transfer credit to any future courses.   

We cannot be held responsible for the cancellation of classes as a result of college closure due to circumstances beyond our control, e.g., extreme weather conditions, outbreak of a disease.    

BHASVIC reserves the right to amend the format of course delivery or the course content in light of changing circumstances. 

Withdrawal from a course 

If you wish to withdraw from a course before the end date, we would appreciate if you could confirm this in writing (letter or email). We regret we are unable to offer any refunds should your circumstances change, and you are unable to attend any further lessons. 

Lost property 

BHASVIC cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to cars or property brought onto the premises. 

Health Considerations 

All courses are attended at your own risk. Please seek medical advice from your doctor if you are uncertain that the course provision we offer is suitable for you as we will be unable to give you a refund unless you have cancelled your application with a two weeks’ notice prior to the start date as stated above. 

By submitting your application, you will be agreeing that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions so please consider this and your individual circumstances when applying for our courses.  


BHASVIC is conveniently situated on Dyke Road in Hove with easy access from the A27 Bypass. We have great public transport links and are accessible by buses. Brighton train station is also within walking distance.

The evening language classes take place mainly in Copper Building but some courses may be held in College House.

Most evenings there is free parking on site at the College's car park on Old Shoreham Road (first come, first served). Disabled parking is available in the visitor's car park.

Please note that during the College’s Open Events and Parents’ Evenings there will be no parking available.


Go to the How to find us page

Additional information

Damage: BHASVIC cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to any vehicles or property brought onto the premises.

Q: Will the classes be held on site or delivered online?
A: Our courses are held on BHASVIC campus and so in person attendance is necessary as the lessons are not recorded or streamed. We do not offer online courses in our evening provision.

Q: What do I do if I find myself on the wrong level?
A: Providing there is availability, we will be more than happy to move you up or down a level. (Not available to students on Holiday Courses).

Q: Can I join in with a class during the year?
A: If places are available, then yes! You will pay a pro-rata fee.

Q: Can I pay in instalments?
A: Yes. If your course costs over £200, you will be able to pay in two equal instalments – the first payment will be due when submitting an application, followed by another payment by the enrolment deadline.

Q: I am really interested in one of your courses, but can’t attend on the day you are advertising should I look elsewhere?
A: Yes, and we will be happy to recommend other institutions. However, it is still worth registering your interest, as occasionally we create additional courses if there is a high demand, especially Level 1 courses.

Q: Do you have any courses starting later on in the year?
A: Yes! We offer 20-week Beginner Courses that commence in January as well as 8-week Holiday Courses starting in April. Please check the course schedule on our website closer to the time. 

Q: Will I need to put much work in outside of the lessons?
A: Even though our courses do not lead to a qualification, it is impossible to retain what you have learnt in class without doing some homework and revision throughout the course. We recommend about 20 minutes per day of exposure to the language, i.e. doing homework, listening to the radio, songs, watching a video or reading an article in a newspaper or magazine.

Q: I may not be able to attend all lessons. Will I be able to catch up?
A: We appreciate that some adult learners may occasionally have to miss lessons and it is not a problem. You will receive ongoing support as we have an online system set up (BHASVLE - the College Moodle platform) and after each class your tutor will upload relevant lesson materials so you will be able to find out what was covered and catch up for next week. Please note that we do not have facilities to stream lessons on site so you need to attend or catch up via BHASVLE. 

Agnieszka Stafford (Evening Language Courses Manager)

E-mail: language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk

Telephone: 01273 859830 (Voice mail available)

Please note: Due to the Covid-19 the office is now closed and phone system is switched to answerphone and messages will be picked up once we are able to return to the office. You may therefore prefer to contact us by email E-mail: language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk

Adult Education
205 Dyke Road