Taster Day 16 July 2025
Booking for our Taster Day is now full. We are sorry if you were unable to secure your place but are confident that our Open Evenings in November and the Admissions and Interview process provide all the information and guidance necessary to successfully support a student to transition to BHASVIC. We also keep our YouTube channel regularly updated with videos that you might find useful. The course pages of our website provide an outline of the content covered on each of our Level 3 courses and give insights into what it is like to learn at BHASVIC.
Due to the nature of the Taster Day we are unable to run a waiting list so will not be able to process any requests for waiting list places.
Our Year 10 Taster Day is an opportunity to experience a day in the life of a sixth form college student. You will attend lessons in a range of A level and Level 3 BTEC subjects, be introduced to what it means to be a Level 3 learner, and access the college's facilities at breaks and lunchtime. The day is designed to provide a positive and inspiring experience, motivating students with their GCSE studies through Year 11 and also leading to an application to BHASVIC this coming Autumn. It can be helpful in deciding which subjects to study at Level 3 and whether BHASVIC is the right environment for you.