Brighton Hove & Sussex Sixth Form College, 205 Dyke Road, Hove, BN3 6EG
Main Number: 01273 552200
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Main Reception normal working hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8am-5pm, Tuesday 8am-5.30pm, Friday 8am-4.30pm
If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at the contact list below.
Useful emails:
General Enquiries: info@bhasvic.ac.uk
Attendance Office: studentabsence@bhasvic.ac.uk
Student Absence Reporting: Parent Portal
Parent Portal Support: cis@bhasvic.ac.uk
Additional Learning Support: l.lab@bhasvic.ac.uk OR l.clements@bhasvic.ac.uk
Admissions for students: admissions@bhasvic.ac.uk
BHASVLE Support: cis@bhasvic.ac.uk
Bursary: bursary@bhasvic.ac.uk
Evening Language Adult Education Courses: language.centre@bhasvic.ac.uk
Exams Office: exams@bhasvic.ac.uk
Finance: cashdesk@bhasvic.ac.uk
Freedom of Information Officer: FOI@bhasvic.ac.uk
Marketing: marketing@bhasvic.ac.uk
myBHASVIC support: mybhasvic@bhasvic.ac.uk
Safeguarding cases: safeguarding@bhasvic.ac.uk
Student Services: studentservices@bhasvic.ac.uk
Technical IT Support: ithelpdesk@bhasvic.ac.uk
Additional Student Support Information and Contacts
Young People’s External Support Guide on the BHASVIC Website
How to find us
View a detailed map of Brighton and Hove
Visitors Parking at BHASVIC
There are limited spaces available at the college's car parks on Old Shoreham Road. If you require a parking space when visiting the college, please let the member of staff you are visiting at the college know and they will try to reserve a space for you in the Visitor Car Park via Reception.
Please note that requesting a car parking space does not necessarily guarantee one. There is metered parking on the roads opposite the college (pay at roadside meter).
Disabled parking is available in the visitors' car park. Please request a space in advance so that we can reserve one for you.
The car park is accessible from the A27 bypass from Dyke Road Avenue by turning right at the 'ESSO Garage' traffic lights; left at next set of traffic lights on the Old Shoreham Road A270 and then finally left into the BHASVIC car park just before the Dyke Road traffic lights.
For travel links please see tab 'Travel Links' under Our Support Service section of the website